Pop-up on exit


New member
Guys and Gals,

I'm trying to figure out how to set a pop-up window to go off when someone leaves my site.

More than that though, I only want it to go off once.

Before you all start hollering at me about how annoying they are - I realize that, but I have a valid reason for doing things this way.

Also, I got the cookie part, I haven't been able to figure out how to pop the window only when the visitor actually leaves the site, and not just a certain page.

Can it be done?

Opps, jumped the gun there.. you will probably need to load the main page in an frame and in the parent frame, use javascript the check the URL. If the url changed, then do the exit pop-up.
The only thing I could help with also is for when they leave the site..
You could probably use PHP though and a cookie to set if they are leaving the site or just a page.
Most things work so code is in the body and when they leave that page, a popup is opened showing a page that you set.
You have to do that for each page though, and it will popup for every page they leave that has the code in it.