Podcasting as a promotional tool?


Staff member
Has anyone tried podcasting as a measure of promotion or staying in touch with your customers? Podcasting has been growing in popularity ever since its first appearance, and it doesn't look like it'll decrease anytime soon, if ever.

Today anyone from Fortune 500 companies to SMBs are creating their own podcasts to communicate the message to employees, clients, investors, etc. Some companies even open their own studios and produce their shows professionally. However most companies are quite capable to produce their own shows with equipment costing just around $100 to take it off the ground. So has anyone tried or considered launching their own podcasts as a promotional/communicational mean for your clients? If yes, how do you plan/think you can utilize it for the benefit of your company?

Videocast format seems better, such format allows you to embed photographs by editing a slide show where you can insert pictures of your products and and unique point highlighting important features.