

CSN-UK | Charlie
Something reasonably unrelated to hosting for once but something that crossed my mind today. Specifically “How many Plugs does your desktop and desk equipment use in total?”

For the sake of argument exclude lamps, however routers, switches, printer’s faxes etc could be included.
The idea came about after considering the number of sockets and power consumption of a new desktop/home office setup.

Currently using 10 plugs (including UPS, Printer/fax, and the various computer perpetual) and estimating toward 15+ for the new equipment :uhh:

Also do you use surge protection equipment and ROF and similar interference scrubbing equiptment?
4. could get up to 5 when using the external tuner (very rarely), 6 when also using the old scanner (must be years since I last did that).

Weird me, I've no printer. Guess I'm greener than most? :P
wow - never thought of this until now;

17 :( ALL surge protected through UPS Batteries. Sadly that's only for this one computer (and printer) - I have another computer about 4 feet away with another 6 plugs, all on battery also (doesn't include notebook computers, lamps, radio, tv, heater or fan).
Total of 5, all without surge protection.

Hmm, I think frequent brownout kills one of my external harddisk last year -- this month, my speaker seems to turn off by itself at a high volume..