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How many people here actually use Plesk? Or do you prefer CPanel/WHM?

I for one use CPanel and have most experience with this. Anybody here use Plesk? Is it good/bad?

I have a little experience with Plesk. It is a good system but I still prefer cPanel/whm.
Do you reckon if i offered a plesk web hosting service i'd be likely to get more or less customers?

I prefer cpanel myself but im just wondering and looking at my options...

Thanks for your input :)

I think it depends a lot on where you are drawing your clientele from.
The majority of my business is local business men and they would know cpanel or plesk from a hole in the ground. All they want to know is that their site is online.

If you are marketing to people who are more web savvy then I would say, without any real numbers to back it up, that cpanel would be more marketable.
Hello Jambo, hope all is well.

I can only speak from a perspective of a customer. I have experience with both platforms, and CPanel is the control panel of my choice. Its look, user-friendliness and easy to manage features is what I love about it.

Honestly speaking, between a host that offers Pleask or CPanel, considering the resources offered are the same, I will go for the CPanel one.

Haven't used either one, but generally most people feel that Cpanel is easier to use and more feature-rich than Plesk but Plesk is less expensive.
I think also Cpanel has the upper hand on Plesk , but i think Plesk is catching up fast , it really comes down to what the client likes they basically do the same thing both have autoinstallers. Also if you have more to offer then its always good so offering Plesk cannot hurt ;)
Thanks for your great input, i really appreciate it! I've decided and i've chosen to go with CPanel.

1) I know it inside out and used it for over 6 years.

2) It's user friendly, every is good and attractive to anyone including myself.

3) It is a more popular control panel to deal with!

The positive thing with plesk is that it supports both major Operating Systems Windows and Linux. Having used both platforms cPanel is a winner. Plesk is abit harder to fix those common problems. cPanel / WHM is also more user-friendly.
I agree with you there , but there are always some clients that want something else ;) thats why we offer both control panels but if you are starting out then Cpanel is the best one to start with , good luck to you

Jambo said:
Thanks for your great input, i really appreciate it! I've decided and i've chosen to go with CPanel.

1) I know it inside out and used it for over 6 years.

2) It's user friendly, every is good and attractive to anyone including myself.

3) It is a more popular control panel to deal with!

Personally we use DirectAdmin only. We've had a few CPanel clients who switched and now they refuse to go back.

I think that DA is more User friendly, has less bugs, and is overall extremely stable.

Plesk I have used before and it is a nice control panel that, like DirectAdmin, is drawing many more clients away from CPanel. I think in the future these three will be in hot competition.

Personally above all three, I believe that for our FreeBSD operating system, DirectAdmin is the best choice as it is the most stable. It all depends on the Operating System, targeted audience and how you want to use the control panel in the end.
It is hard to tell really. Plesk because it is easier to install and the licence fee is cheaper, however customers prefer to use cPanel because it is user friendly.
As Artashes says above, I can only speak from a customer's perspective, but I quite like Plesk. It has a nice easy feel to it, although sometimes I can get a little lost and the *help* avaliable isn't all that comprehensive...

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