Please review

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It looks pretty good. The three columns on the home page look a little bit like the bad search engine pages that you get when you type in a wrong URL.

Overall, it looks good.
If I am to be honest, I have to say...

The only thing I like is the logo. Everything else looks too "old school" and cluttered. There seems to be no solid color scheme, nor color psychology involved.
Blazer Network is a datacenter as you mentioned above but honestly it looks like a normal resellers website to me. Now you must be thinking what makes me say this about your website :devil:

If you see a lot of the datacenter websites out there are clean style and professional looking. Now I don't expect you to spend a lot of $$$ on a website if you don't want to but there are plenty of web designers/web design firms out there who are willing to design websites for a very good price. I have listed some of them below :shh:

Seven Cube:
Web Rhino:
Creative Fusion Studio:

If you prefer even something from Template Monster: would do the job :agree:
BlazerNetwork.. said:
Please review this website

Blazer Network is a data center. Please let us know what you think about our website or what we offer. Thanks!
Would you really like me to say what I think? Im sure at this stage you know what I think of your services (or lack thereof).

For those who haven't got the jist of my point, BN have effectively been down for 5 of the last 6 days.
I have no ftp, mail, www or MSSQL server access. Their own site is down also. My emails go unanswered, their phone goes unanswered, etc.
By all means pay them your money but don't expect much in return!
See Blazernetwork Down
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