Please Help, Advice Needed


New member
Dear respectful members,

May I have your kind assistance by giving your advice on the poll created.

If a Dedicated Server Company able to provide you with the below mentioned Guaranteed Service(s),

If they can Guaranteed on Service(s)
• Pricing cheaper then market by 30% (When comparing at same server specification), and if you able find something cheaper, the company lower by additional 10%.
24/7 TRUE In-House Team Support (NOT OUT SOURCING)
• Dedicated Account Manager
100% SLA UPTIME, Hosted in World Class Data Center (Same as PayPal, eBay, IBM, etc)
• RAID based HDD Configuration, NO SATA
• Daily Local Back Up

Please kindly cast your advice on the poll option, thanks for your time!
Yes sure, but seems like it would take lots of dedication and resources to keep all of those promises.
I can't really vote as there's much more that needs to be factored in. It's always good to shop around, even if you're happy with your current provider, but if another provider offers things you want/need that you're existing provider does not it doesn't hurt to try :)

My suggestion is to retain your current provider and duplicate your setup with the one you're trying out, point your DNS to the new server, and if needed it will be easy to switch things back to your current host. Then "try out" the new host for 1-2 months.

While you'll be paying for 2 hosts, IMO the extra cost is worth saving the hassle of downtime during propagation & in the event you need to switch back.

For me big factor to consider when comparing and considering switching hosts is the difference in hardware, which not all people consider. Although costs could be considerably lower, we choose to stay with a provider with a very strong "premium" bandwidth network, and who offers server rather than desktop components.

You get what you pay for :)
For me big factor to consider when comparing and considering switching hosts is the difference in hardware, which not all people consider. Although costs could be considerably lower, we choose to stay with a provider with a very strong "premium" bandwidth network, and who offers server rather than desktop components.

You get what you pay for :)
Exactly. On the surface this offer looks very appealing - surely worth researching further - but there are other factors as Siforek pointed out. Good advice. :)
Dedicated servers provider selection for me limits to two key factors - good objective opinion about support and hardware offer (as mentioned by siforek).
All though the things you've mentioned are admirable it depends of every case if you are not satisfied with your current datacenter... keep in mind that moving from a datacenter to another can be a headache...
Dear respectful members,

May I have your kind assistance by giving your advice on the poll created.

If a Dedicated Server Company able to provide you with the below mentioned Guaranteed Service(s),

If they can Guaranteed on Service(s)
• Pricing cheaper then market by 30% (When comparing at same server specification), and if you able find something cheaper, the company lower by additional 10%.
24/7 TRUE In-House Team Support (NOT OUT SOURCING)
• Dedicated Account Manager
100% SLA UPTIME, Hosted in World Class Data Center (Same as PayPal, eBay, IBM, etc)
• RAID based HDD Configuration, NO SATA
• Daily Local Back Up

Please kindly cast your advice on the poll option, thanks for your time!

I would not necessarily move if I were already happy with my current hosting provider.
I would give it a go depending on a few factors.

- How long have they been in business?
- How do they plan on supporting YOUR venture?
- Do they have a Business Continuity Plan?
- Define "Managed Services"
- What do the reviews say on them?

As with any service you will find its going to have its up's and down's. You just need to make sure the ups out weigh the downs.
The best way to get feedback about any service is to search on net for the feedback and review, there are several website offer free and genuine reviews.
It almost sounds too good to be true.

Before I'd try it I'd need to know how they can offer so much 30% below the market rate, and still be profitable.
I presume that if I was someone who needed a dedicated server I would consider to get a service from such a provider. But I shall say that the things described above is something that any dedicated web host must have.
The descriptions seem to be too good to be true, so this is surely a web hosting provider I will like to manage. If you get negative reviews altogether, that is the different story altogether.