Planning to buy another dedicated


New member
Hi all,

I already have a windows 2k3 server with ThePlanet. I am planning to buy another server with Linux.. I am thinking to buy it from some other company instead of ThePlanet as I am not quite happy with their support timings and response.

I was thinking for Godaddy as they had a 135$/mo deal.

Would like suggestions

SkyNetHosting said:
Are you really willing to settle for Godaddy? If I where you I would have a look at SoftLayer or LayeredTech weekly specials.

Not really. I said I am thinking... I am just looking around for the best offer and server configs.

Well, On earlier stages, we cannot afford managed services. However I am good in learning so unmanaged will work better.

Dactyl said:
Check out layeredtech, forget Godaddy, if your looking for a manged server check out

I do not feel servstra is reliable, there site is using ModernBill which is not configured properly. I just clicked on order button and it said price is not setup for this product from admin... :-)

Layeredtech would be better I think, do you have any idea how long they take to reply support tickets?