Pittsburgh wins the Superbowl 37-17

So how did they do? My attention was on the Australian Open today. Felt really sorry for Federer.
Arizona would've won it but they screwed up in the last few minutes.

My prediction was right - I wanted Arizona to win but I knew Pittsburgh would take it.
It was a close game. When Pittsburgh took the last touchdown I knew the game was pretty much over. Arizona might have had a chance if they didn't call the last play a fumble. :(
It was a good game all around. A lot of "wow" type plays, and a number of "hey, rewind that" calls from the crowed here when we were watching. It was a good fight, and for a "new" team making it that far they did great. I did cheer for Steelers - Cardinals are a baseball team, not football! ;)

Commercials were halfway decent this year. I had hoped to see the return of "the stain" but maybe next year ;)