PHP4 to be discontinued


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PHP 4 end of life announcement

Today it is exactly three years ago since PHP 5 has been released. In those three years it has seen many improvements over PHP 4. PHP 5 is fast, stable & production-ready and as PHP 6 is on the way, PHP 4 will be discontinued.

The PHP development team hereby announces that support for PHP 4 will continue until the end of this year only. After 2007-12-31 there will be no more releases of PHP 4.4. We will continue to make critical security fixes available on a case-by-case basis until 2008-08-08. Please use the rest of this year to make your application suitable to run on PHP 5.

For documentation on migration for PHP 4 to PHP 5, we would like to point you to our migration guide. There is additional information available in the PHP 5.0 to PHP 5.1 and PHP 5.1 to PHP 5.2 migration guides as well.

Seeing how PHP5 has been out for a while now, and how PHP4 is slowing dieing, I think this will be very beneficial.

your take?
It's about time, PHP5 has been out for a while and PHP6 is on it's way. It should be a wake up call for companies who don't seem to be investing in their software to upgrade it.
Seems like the natural thing to do. Just sucks tho that by the time php5 is widely installed on all servers, php6 will be released and we have to start from square one again. Hopefully the upgrade will be a little more smoother than this last round, where they have backward compatibility and it won't be so hard for hosts to move up to the next version.
Just sucks tho that by the time php5 is widely installed on all servers, php6 will be released and we have to start from square one again.
That's a good point. This promises to become a continual transition. :) states:

The PHP development team hereby announces that support for PHP 4 will continue until the end of this year only. After 2007-12-31 there will be no more releases of PHP 4.4. We will continue to make critical security fixes available on a case-by-case basis until 2008-08-08. Please use the rest of this year to make your application suitable to run on PHP 5.
good point, but the transition will be made soon. It has been delayed because of that though, to give business's the chance to upgrade to PHP5
It's about time!! :p I've noticed TONS of hosts are STILL using php 4.7? I've had a hard time finding a server, which has php 5.x above installed on it. Hopefully the discontinue of php4 will push people to use php 5 and make programmers etc.. use it too.
CrystalVPS said:
quite worrying that quite a few bigish web control panels still don't officially support PHP5...
True however it's a message to Programmers to "Get off their butts and start making it compatible"
Marks said:
True however it's a message to Programmers to "Get off their butts and start making it compatible"
The good thing is many programmers are starting to make use of new options in PHP 5. I run one script that utilizes many of the new php5 options.

I never knew php 6 was being worked on yet. I wonder what extra things will be added to it.
Actually PHP 4 becoming much less appealing, wordpress could have saved it but it is not just enough to make it more interesting.
yeah thats evolution and technology for you. the only way forward in life is to keep moving things forward ,and i can only see this as another step in keeping things upto date and constantly moving our technology forward :D