
No.. I don't find it makes a website look unprofesional.. alot of even big datacenters as well as online computer stores accept paypal.
No I dont think it does at all but I do think it looks more professional if you have other options than paypal for payment, ie. through a third party merchant account or your own merchant account etc.

A lot dont want to pay via paypal even though they can use it for paypal payments also
It's a good option, a merchant account looks more pro but will pass on more cost to the customer, so it's down to what you wish to target.
Yes, that childesh thing comes from when that is all you offer, because the kids under age that try to run companies cant get cc processors or anything.
Thats what i said right?

Or do you mean paypal stops them? I dont know how that is possible although you are supusto be 18 to signup for a paypal account.
No, I mean it's unfair for some teenagers who have good ideas and are willing to put the work into it but cant because they cant get a merchant