Payment Gateway that works with Miva


New member
Good Day/Night all...

I am in need of a payment gateway for a website that I have build for my client... The Website's address is The shopping cart program that I am using is MIVA.

I already have a merchant account... and I was wondering if any of you out there in the internet word know of any payment gateways that work with Miva and don't have such a high set up fee...

Many of you might say why not just get a package with a merchant account and a payment gateway... Which would be the smartest thing to do... However, Because my client sells vitamins and dietary suppliments most merchant account providers consider it a high risk account... and therefor, they charge higher fees...

I mangaged to find a merchant account provider that didn't cost that much ... but all I need is a payment gateway...

so if any of you know of any... It would be wonderful if you share...

Thank you...
Well, I use PaySystems. Seems to be a very flexible and cost-efficient solution that works.
