P4Host is a FRAUD!!!!


New member
I need to inform everyone about what just happened to my account, years and years of priceless data, information security, all at the hands of Kevin, the P4Host president and administrator, and warn anyone currently with this unprofessional, subpar group that is about to be sought after by CU's legal team.

I have been with P4Host naively for 2 years, with occasional problems and what I realized 3 weeks ago was relatively expensive, slow webhosting service and horribly unstable, insecure data storage (had two people hack into my account from overseas and plant trojans).

When it came time to renew with P4Host, a struggling hosting service that cannot keep up with the likes of iPowerWeb and others providing far superior service and prices, I asked for a full backup of my data, even though I was going to stay with the company. For two weeks the administration denied support, would not offer a backup for what seemed like a reluctance to deliver all of the data because as long as they have control over it, I have to pay them. 'Tom' asked me why I was backing up my data, before ever offering support, closed down connections, and I had to call and raise a huge fuss to finally Kevin's attention. I had made one successful backup in cpanel, and then it suddenly died, and the remaining backups were suspiciously "hidden from view" from then on. After two weeks of complaints and support attempts around the clock Kevin finally chimed in and said "it's there I promise" and then finally learned of some "problem" displaying files over 2 gigabytes in Apache, a googled link pointing to *nothing*, and blamed that.

After more horrible support and run-arounds and emails demanding money, I raised a huge fuss because my entire life revolves around this webpage, over 2 gigs of research and public data. Kevin then SUSPENDED my account, and demanded a *faxed apology* or he would delete my data!!!

To make things even more unbelievable, when I had a student socially engineer him to unsuspend it, I got my hosting company I registered with 2 weeks prior to handle the transfer. Files were mysteriously hidden, connections dropped, files lost, and the end result was THOUSANDS of files less than my original log a month prior.

After calling, Kevin shouted obscenities for me leaving, deleted my files, and I am left with nothing. All of my data I needed from weeks before this company fraudulently tampered with my property is now gone. He blocked iPowerWeb and my home phone numbers from calling the support line. He has deleted the files and will not allow me even a DAY to finally transfer my data after I finally got setup with another webhost! This man Kevin, who I will be getting to know very well the next couple of months, behaves like a child, and I warn everyone, this service is being run by unprofessional, uninformed, theives!!

It is like the low level movers moving your life from one side of the country to the other, do a poor job, then hide your property in a warehouse until you pay them more money to move the rest, then "accidently" lose 25% of your stuff when you finally track it down.

The Better Business Bureau has been alerted and for all you, IF YOU ARE WITH THEM BACK UP YOUR DATA NOW BEFORE P4HOST GETS A FIRM HOLD ON IT. They charge 400% more than other hosting companies, for FAR LESS DATA AMOUNTS AND BANDWIDTH, and horribly slow service!!!!! Now that you realize you should move, GET YOUR BACKUPS NOW INSTEAD OF WAITING FOR ANOTHER INVOICE!!!

I'm posting this message on all of the webhosting forums, emailed CNET, BBB sites, and will most likely have to fly into California with our attornies to recover this data.

If you need email proof and screenshots to correborate this, please email me at gotigers1234@gmail.com and I will send you a zip file.

Kevin is a highly unprofessional, extortionist, theif who is abusing his service for his own strange personal and financial enjoyment.

Everyone, look at iPowerWeb, there service is EXCELLENT and they have been helping me personally 24/7 with this!!!! They even gave me their home cell phone numbers! 10 GIGS, 250 GIG Bandwidth, 5.95 a MONTH!

This is the most ridiculous situation I have ever been in and I have lost over $100,000 worth of research and development, including personal files he deleted!
Kevin has been pretty shady from the beginning but I have to say I have little sympathy for you.
You are coming here telling us how vital and important your data is and yet you go from one bargain basement host to another.

If you actually had $100k worth of information I would think you would use a decent service and keep regular back ups.
Thread moved to Web Hosting Reviews.
sitemanagement, it would also add to the validity of your review if you posted your URL, as well as screenshots that you have in this thread.

I am sorry for the trouble you had, and wish you can find a more reliable service provider that will protect your data with care.
Blue said:
Kevin has been pretty shady from the beginning but I have to say I have little sympathy for you.
You are coming here telling us how vital and important your data is and yet you go from one bargain basement host to another.

If you actually had $100k worth of information I would think you would use a decent service and keep regular back ups.

So true.
I am (and always have been) amazed at people who go with the cheapest host they can find...then to another...and another... and then complain because their valuable site always has problems (anything from loads slow to bad situations like this).

It doesn't make sense to me. If you are a student or teen with a blog or something for you and your friends that's great, go as cheap as possible and save your $$.
But if the site matters why don't people put it where they can count on it? Is $60-$100 extra too much of an investment when it can cost that much for one fill-up in an SUV or dinner for 2 at a decent restaurant these days?
I also thought most of us these days offered "one click" downloadable backups in control panels. Isn't it fairly "standard" these days? :twocents:
Blue said:
Kevin has been pretty shady from the beginning but I have to say I have little sympathy for you.
You are coming here telling us how vital and important your data is and yet you go from one bargain basement host to another.

If you actually had $100k worth of information I would think you would use a decent service and keep regular back ups.

Didn't he say he did do backups but he wasn't allowed to access them? I guess only the root access administration could do a sucessful backup on all of his data.

Eh, but "hostmanagement" that's to bad. Samething happened to be, but I didn't loose all that data you did. Maybe a couple of webpages and such but it's a big hassle bringing that all together again. Eh, that's why I started my own company. I hated that all my hosts brought me down after a month, or 3 months, or even year. Just got me angry. I paid over 1,000$ worth of hosting fee's, and so far all of them failed on me. Anyways, hope you can get those data backups back. Goodluck!
Chief said:
Didn't he say he did do backups but he wasn't allowed to access them? I guess only the root access administration could do a sucessful backup on all of his data.

A backup that you can't access is not a backup.
If you are not doing offsite backups then what is the point of doing any backup at all?
I have to say that I agree with what people are saying, if your data is worth so much then a cheap account with a hosting company that appears to have a reputation (I don't know the company, only going by what's been posted on this thread) then I have little sympathy too. However, I do think the point of what the host did has been somewhat overlooked due to the obvious blunder that sitemanagement made by not keeping better control over his data.

Remember, this all started with the guy wanting to renew his account but wanting a backup first. If I'm honest, if this was my client, I'd be thinking he was leaving to go elsewhere, but I'd still support his request promptly and deliver the backups same day (where possible) or at latest 48 hours of ticket being opened. The host didn't respond, so although sitemanagement hasn't been all that clever with his data, that's still not a reason to excuse what his host did (not that anyone is saying it's sitemanagement's own fault the host acted like he did).

Isn't there a BBB office you can call or something? In the UK, we can contact Trading Standards if a service is 'unprofessional' and have them take a case on for you.

well all i can give is sympanthy to you,but you do have an option to choose the best hosting service and start it all over again .

all the best

Wow, what a nightmare. As stated above, if your data is worth that much, you should research your host and not go with the cheapest on you find. Infact you might want to consider getting a small VPS with Cpanel and setting the backup option in cpanel to back up to you regular accounts VPS. This way you have up to date backups no matter what happens.
Blue said:
Kevin has been pretty shady from the beginning but I have to say I have little sympathy for you.
You are coming here telling us how vital and important your data is and yet you go from one bargain basement host to another.

If you actually had $100k worth of information I would think you would use a decent service and keep regular back ups.
same thoughts...:) :santa:
Blue said:
Kevin has been pretty shady from the beginning but I have to say I have little sympathy for you.
You are coming here telling us how vital and important your data is and yet you go from one bargain basement host to another.

If you actually had $100k worth of information I would think you would use a decent service and keep regular back ups.
True. True. Another company on my flagged list to look out for
Jess, we of course appreciate your involvement in the community. However, this thread is extremely old, and your post didn't technically add enough value to warrant bringing the thread up again.

Again, I'm not trying to be an ass, but if you're going to bring up old threads, at least try to add a little more to the conversation.