On what hardware systems does Debian GNU/Linux run?


New member
Hello All,

Debian GNU/Linux includes complete source-code for all of the included programs, so it should work on all systems which are supported by the Linux kernel.
The current Debian GNU/Linux release, 4.0, contains a complete, binary distribution for the following architectures:
i386: this covers PCs based on Intel and compatible processors, including Intel's 386, 486, Pentium, Pentium Pro, Pentium II (both Klamath and Celeron), and Pentium III, and most compatible processors by AMD, Cyrix and others.
m68k: this covers Amigas and ATARIs having a Motorola 680x0 processor for x>=2; with MMU.
alpha: Compaq/Digital's Alpha systems.
sparc: this covers Sun's SPARC and most UltraSPARC systems.
powerpc: this covers some IBM/Motorola PowerPC machines, including CHRP, PowerMac and PReP machines.
arm: ARM and StrongARM machines.
mips: SGI's big-endian MIPS systems, Indy and Indigo2; mipsel: little-endian MIPS machines, Digital DECstations.
hppa: Hewlett-Packard's PA-RISC machines (712, C3000, L2000, A500).
ia64: Intel IA-64 ("Itanium") computers.
s390: IBM S/390 mainframe systems.
The development of binary distributions of Debian for Sparc64 (UltraSPARC native) architectures is currently underway.

Arun K
Cheap & Reliable VPS Hosting
Slightly confused are you just providing an answer to a question no-one asked or is this a Frequently Asked Question you are getting as a business so you C+P'd Debian.org's FAQ?

Or was this to try and gain easy points so you can advertise :)

Marks said:
Slightly confused are you just providing an answer to a question no-one asked or is this a Frequently Asked Question you are getting as a business so you C+P'd Debian.org's FAQ?

Or was this to try and gain easy points so you can advertise :)


Well thought just want to share my knowledge :)