November Hosting Special ($15/month, 1Gb Storage, 15Gb Transfer with special)


New member
30 Day money back guarantee
99.9% Uptime guarantee
Unlimited SQL, POP3, sub-domains, ftp accounts.
Unlimited domains (reseller accounts)
Daily back up to off site locations.
Servers are 2.4GHz P4, 1024Mb-1536Mb Ram, and ARE NOT OVERSOLD.
Shared Plans from $1.00 per month.
Reseller Plans from $15.00 per month.
Fantastico (Self Installing Scripts)

With our november special:
Reseller Basic
1Gb Disk Space, 15Gb traffic - $15/month
Reseller Standard
2Gb Disk Space, 30Gb traffic - $25/month
Reseller Pro
3Gb Disk Space, 45Gb traffic - $35/month
Reseller Corporate
4Gb Disk Space, 75Gb traffic - $45/month
Reseller Enterprise
5.5Gb Disk Space, 120Gb traffic - $60/month

Pay annually and always get 2 months free on all Business and Reseller accounts.