not satified


New member

I would like to write a review for
I had bad experience with this hosting.
Promotion first 3 months just $1 is valid no cheat.
Their support ticket is ok = 6/10 points for average task but not 24 hrs.
I get only 1 downtime in 5 months.

After I hosted for 5 months, My website was shutdown without any warning.
I submit support ticket and get response too slow, take 5 days.
He mail me back to ask about greeting email ( info. ) and then he never response.

At first 3 months, I doesn't download anythings just ~ 1Gb per month.
But after 4th - 5th month, I download ~ 60Gb per month.

I think his hosting is scam. Then I mail to cancellation.
He offer 20% discount but I can't accept their service support.

Total downtime = 10 days until I cancel my account.


Anyone know which host offer POP3s/SMTPs over SSL ???
I looking these feature for many years.
I can't find...only support them and it free..

Why every hosting doesn't offer high security ?

SSH - telnet
SSH - ftp or FTPs over SSL
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i think surfspeedy sucks, i've read in another forum some posts about surfspeedy, and they're mostly not satisfied with their services.
eGawish, are you saying that SurfSpeedy sucks based on heresay?
Do you have any personal experience with them?
SurfSpeedy does suck

I tried SurfSpeedy for hosting starting in the middle of June. By the middle of July there were several unresolved issues, including ftp uploads, blocked incoming email, slow response to problems and more, so I requested a cancellation and refund under their 90 day money back guarantee. After a couple of weeks I contacted them and they insisted the "refund was being processed". I got that same response every couple of weeks. Now more than 2 months later, the refund has still not been processed - it's impossible to get someone by phone and they don't respond to email.

If you're looking for a host - just about anyone or any thing will be better than SurfSpeedy.