NocturnalHostin is stepping away from his computer for a while


New member
Why is this worth a comment in the General / not-relates to anything group?

It probably isn't. However, I've come to the conclusion that since joining this forum it has become a draw for a large portion of my time. Thus, my psychiatrist tells me that its good to get I'm starting my 12 step program now and will be back in about half an hour when the withdrawl symptoms kick back in.

:dknow: :crazy: :dknow:
It's good to know that people can pull themselves away for more than ten minutes nowadays. I tell ya the only way to pull me away from my desk is by handing me a copy of Burnout 3, or by me finding a wad of money somewhere to go out and spend :)

However it works out Stephen, Good luck and we hope to see you again soon :)

To be honest, I actually made it several hours of watching TV with my fiancee before going to bed =)

Of course, I'm already back....

I don't think I'll be able to make it 24 hours without posting ever in my life, hehe.