Nocster vs. ServerMatrix


Well, I have servers on both Datacenters, Nocster is a Good Datacenter, fast support (some times) and ServerMatrix is a bit more slow but it has a much better network than Nocster, Nocster's Connectivity is not Redundant (if I remember correctly), they had a BIG downtime Issue in February.

If you got time to read 133 Pages of Downtime related thread look here

Do a Search there to get more (Because there are).

Overall, ServerMatrix is much better than BTNET.
The BTNET network is my concern. I see good reviews of support and several resellers providing extended support. Good support is a nice feature, but I need to make sure the network is up.
Rox Off said:
The BTNET network is my concern. I see good reviews of support and several resellers providing extended support. Good support is a nice feature, but I need to make sure the network is up.


I would recommend GNAX, but since you got two in a list, Go with ServerMatrix.
I have only ever had one network problem with SM (I actually use TP) but they weren't too bad.
My uptime is 100% for most months with TP and the network is very fast.

Their support leaves something to be desired to be honest...
Their techs seem to have a weird work routine, I don't know what way they do it but sometimes it takes up to 12 hours for a reply, even on something urgent if the tech handling your ticket leaves.
That has caused a few problems but is the only bad thing really.

If you don't need their techs too much, I would recommend it.

I haven't used Nocster but know it does have some network problems, these seem to be a lot better recently though.
Francisco is probably your man for most info on Nocster
John Diver said:

I haven't used Nocster but know it does have some network problems, these seem to be a lot better recently though.
Francisco is probably your man for most info on Nocster

Thanks for the recommendation... If you ask, it won't be a problem to reply. But Overal, if your business doesn't depend on your site being 24/7, then go with Nocster. They haven't had issues like the Downtime they had in February. But they get a BUCH of DDOS... Check their Network Forums, God, I don't even visit them, heh

Most ppl would say, Oh my god this guy sells Nocster's Servers and it is speaking bad about them. Well, I don't care. Since my priority are my clients, I won't lie to them or to a friend, I don't want people to make the same mistakes I did in the past.
I have a server with ServerMatrix for almost a month now. No issues so far. Uptime is excellent and support has been fast and knowledgeable. But I have not had an emergency yet.

I find ServerMatrix uptime very good. I've not had any downtime in a long time; as said above though support isn't much. But really, I don't expect much for the price I pay.

Look at places like RackSpace and how much they charge. Same as LiquidWeb - You really get what you pay for, and I personally think Nocster should work more on their network rather than their support.

It really depends on what you want. Support or uptime. If you can get someone else to manage your dedicated server, then ServerMatrix would be perfect. If you can't or don't want to, I think Nocster or one of their resellers would be a better bet.

Good luck on your decision. :)
I would suggest - They have great uptime and a great provider.

Burst you get what youy pay for, TP/SM seems to be weird on the tech support end. But, whoever you go with, do a lot of research.

There was a short network problem with SM last night. A router went bezerk. The issue got dealed with professionally. My support ticket was answered fairly quick and the issue was also solved fast. I do not like outages but I like the way how they dealed with the problem. So far - I am still very satisfied with them. No reason to complain.
