New way for making money online through Blog

Any New way available for making money online through Blog nowadays ?
What methods are you using currently?

The standards over the past 20 years;
  • Adsense (text)
  • Adsense (image/banner)
  • Direct CPC/CPM to advertisers
  • Paid Guest Posts
  • Paid Links
  • Sponsored Advertising
  • Affiliate listings
  • Youtube embedding
What method are you using, and what else have you heard?
Conor pretty much summarized every single possible way to monetize content. I'd only add premium content to the list. With over 50 million people today considering themselves content creators, their revenue stream is becoming more diverse and some content makers are getting funded primarily by their fans. It means they create premium content, placing it behind a paywall or a recurring subscription. If you know who your audience is, you can find ways to capitalize on their interest in your content.
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I'd only add premium content to the list. .... getting funded primarily by their fans ....
Yes, this is a big one too! Not just as a membership site, but as a donation type setup.
Pretty much every YouTube creator I watch online has a Patreon account, and it's worked very well in those settings. I've not seen it from a blog creator, but the same principals apply.

Membership/Subscription is definitely something people pay for. Setting up a system with "drip feed content" is a great revenue stream if you have the topic/membership base
through blogging, you can earn a lot of money but you need to write unique, perfect, user-perspective, and informative content. also, you need to maintain blog posting continuity.

here are some ways:
Display advertising
Affiliate marketing
Sponsored post