New Look

Looks good, don't really get the slogan though...
a new horizon is technology?
Is it meant to be in technology?
If you are looking for suggestions I can give you some :)
Any info on the slogan? I still don't get it.
I think you could change the text used in the logo, I don't think it looks too good at that size anyway.

A contact address might also be a good thing, a lot of people look for this.
You have a number though, which is great :)

I don't think there is a need for the contact and support page, both offer the same methods of contact but just have different text at the top, that's the only difference I noticed anyway.

Having times that you offer support might also help, it's not needed though and not all companies have it on their site.

Just one other suggestion I can think of at the minute, make the order link clickable so people can order ;) hehe
I'm sure you are still working on things and that's why you can't click it yet.
Yeah slogan is wrong, was in a rush when I made that, will fix it later today, the order form is actually almost finished, working on it as I type here.. the support/contact pages are similar yes but I don't know how to make them different.. but on the support page I only have the support email while on the contact I have every dept. email.. but yeah.. maybe in the future I will change that.. I don't see it being too much trouble leaving it like that until I get the rest of the site going good..
Thanks.. I am going to update the look of the site a bit I believe.. we are opening a hardware division of CaperTech, its called ElixirPC, I will keep you up to date on that as well.
Yes sir, computers and computer hardware, also repairing and other maintnance.. we will only target locally for now..