New HD Contest


New member
Holy Prizes Batman! But wait - it's the 29th, not the 1st...was this suppose to be announced?! O_o

At any rate - this is cause to party! :) :dance:
John, its not the 29th, its the 1st. :D

And yes, definitely a cause to shake that booty.
lol...yeah, its a great competition! Cant wait to see some great posts coming up from those of us that aren't known so well in HostingDiscussion! Should be good to see.
Just by the way? Does winnning in competitions last year make you un-eligible for this year's? Maybe I'm being a bit hopeful, but thought I'd ask :)
Previous competitions has nothing to do with this one. Otherwise we would have mentioned something about that. ;)

Wow, good call Art - it is the 1st isn't it? I was up 'til 1AM playing World of WarCrack, that's my excuse. :D
At any rate - this is cause to party!
Yup. Luckily for all of you the engineers were fired. Apparently they were the nephews of the "engineers" who have staged the moon landing and the vehicle they were working on was just a big block of plastic.

Turns out that all that plastic was worth some $2000+.

Would you have preferred $2000+ worth of cookies? :devil:
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Cool news, everyone. DIYHosting has just donated $500 CASH PRIZE toward the Most Valuable Member contest...

Thanks to them, the total value of the contest is now $2,500+

Suuuure.. No reason to sweat for that. :D
I'd put it towards a new laptop for myself :) - but I plan to have one before I'd pry put it into my car. :D