New Control Panel


New member
Would anyone be intrested in creating a new type of control panel that was fully automated from client sign-up to shell creation and billing via paypal?? I am looking for one that will take care of all of that stuff, but i lack the php and mysql skills to program one myself. The primary use of it would be for Shell Accounts and maybe webhosting at a later time. If anyone has the extra time to start that and keep it to the Open Source Community. Let me know. I will try to help as much as possible with layout designs and such.

That is a really good idea.. I think it would be really good.. but unfortinatly I don't have the skills for such a task.
I think I will start on layout designs within the next week or so. Maybe sooner, just depends on my spare time. Also, I think I will read a few ebooks on programming in PHP. Can anyone think of a name I should call it? I'm open to suggestions. If i get alot of suggestions I will open a poll so that the users of hosting-talk can have a say in it :) After All, you all have got me into the hosting community, and I really love this place :) :)
Sorry Brent, PHP isnt my stong point either but there are a few people here that I know are good at PHP that might be able to help out, hopefully they will have the time to be part of the project, Im sure it would be popular anyway, and being Open Source is great I think :)

Hope someone can help with the PHP coding on this