Need your Suggestions


New member
Hi Everyone!
Iam starting this thread for your precious suggestion, regarding the implementation of new plan.

I want to start a free web based email services(e.g. rediffmail, yahoomail, etc.) For this i think i require a dedicated server but i am not sure with the cofiguration which will work for me.

For revenue i am totally dependent on my sponsors, so initially you can understand i am not able to invest much as i have to keep myself with some money which i can invest in marketing of that website.

I also want to know will it be possible for me in future if i shift the server(to some higher config)? But my user should not be effected in terms of services and neither their mails.

Thanx :)
And please ask me any details which you require to help me out.
Have a look at these companies: - has fully managed dedicated servers.
********** - one in the leeding dedicated servers provider.
************ - has plenty of offers with different Data centers and prices. - their majority dedicated servers.
rider said:
Have a look at these companies: - has fully managed dedicated servers.
********** - one in the leeding dedicated servers provider.
************ - has plenty of offers with different Data centers and prices. - their majority dedicated servers.
Thanx for your valuable information, if u can, please suggest me a configuration for the server i require.
If you are only running web based email services to start with would a VPS not be an option? email servers tend not to use to much resources and would save you a few quid in the short term.

Everything could still all be moved over to a dedicated server once your site gets bigger and dedicated hardware is needed.
TargetedClix said:
I'd highly recommend for your server(s). You can start off small, and then move up to their higher offerings.

I think i will not be able to move to other server or from VPS to dedicated later as it will affect my user's mails.
You shouldn't lose any emails if the change over is done right you could even leave the old server running for awhile just in case any hosts have the mails DNS cached and just have the old server forward emails to the new mail server.
rider said:
Have a look at these companies: - has fully managed dedicated servers.
********** - one in the leeding dedicated servers provider.
************ - has plenty of offers with different Data centers and prices. - their majority dedicated servers.
Where is ************'s datacenter located? And how much does it have them? mentioned above also has VPS plans. Besides, you can upgrade from VPS to dedicated within one hosting company.
Contiloop said: mentioned above also has VPS plans. Besides, you can upgrade from VPS to dedicated within one hosting company.
I think it's very convenient to change from VPS to a dedi within one company. How much does dedi from cost?
I'd start with a VPS (which I'd then change to a backup MX later on). If you have a control panel like DirectAdmin it'd make creating accounts etc very easy. When you do go to a dedi, I'd probably look at a core2duo with lots of RAM and some quick SATA hard drives in RAID10 will be a really good choice for VPS, they offer both cpanel and DA offers Dual Core series managed dedi,
one more host to consider is ************, they have promotional dedi plan starting with $60. with their morden sollutions have good prices there. I personaly like their wide choise of different packages.
I would do some more market research if i were you as the vps plans offered by a2hosting are not that amazing. I know a number of places where you could get a higher spec VPS for the same price.