Analyze and Back up
Analyze your current website for the kind of files and technology it uses. Check the size of website files, scripts, number of email ids, number of emails, kind of databases used, number of databases used, data in the database, other tools used, etc. Save all the website files, email ids, passwords, database names, database users and all other data into your system.
Upload the Data
You can access the new Hosting control panel, FTP account, Email Accounts, etc. with the IP provided the new hosting company. You create email ids, copy website files, create databases, forums, etc. on the new server. Make sure you have uploaded all the data to the new server. Don’t terminate the current hosting account until you are sure you have the back up of the current data and uploaded successfully in the new server. You terminate the current hosting account only after your site is running well on the new server.
Update Domain Name Servers
Login to your domain control panel and update the domain name servers information provided by the new hosting company. You need to update primary and secondary name servers information. Name servers are in the format and It takes some time may be up to 48 hours in order to map to the new server. During this domain propagation time your emails may reach your current hosting company. You can ask your current hosting provider to give access to emails via IP. Cancel the current hosting account only when you are sure that all things are fine with the new hosting provider. You may not able to access the current server once the hosting account is cancelled.