Need Help With Webmail Client


New member
Hello All,

Really excited to join this forum.

I have ordered the hostgators Standard Windows Server, but after buying I see I can create 250 email accounts in their smarter-webmail.

Now I am a reseller, so I need more than that. So can anyone know some open-source webmail client that will allow unlimited email accounts, and can be installed on Windows Server 2008 and also work well with Plesk hosting panel?
It seems that you have signed up for a shared package which is the reason why you are limited to using the set number of accounts. In that case you must think of upgrading the package to suffice your requirements. Before you do that, make sure that you ask them about the limitations set on the package. Having a VPS or higher plan would free you from this limitation as you'd then be allowed to use a mail client of your preference.
Check the following url. You will find a good list of webmail clients there.
Eh, not really. Most of those are Linux mail apps. :twocents:

@the OP: Look at MailEnable Standard v4.26 (current 4.x version), which works perfectly with Plesk 9. Download free at This does, of course, require a VPS or dedicated server. If you're on shared, you have to use what's been provided by the host. Choice of mailserver is one of many benefits of having a VPS instead of a basic shared/reseller hosting plan.

Best of luck. :thumbup:
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Hi HD,

Welcome to HostingDiscussion!

EUK and KPMedia hit the nail right on the head. 250 is the total mailboxes HG will allow you on the plan you have. Cotact them to upgrade. Maybe you can just purchase more mailboxes.

MailEnable is great and as KP stated, works great with Plesk.

If you need a mail client, check out SquirrelMail and IMP/Horde. Both are great.

Good luck!
If you need a mail client, check out SquirrelMail and IMP/Horde. Both are great.

MailEnable 4 comes with a webmail interface. :thumbup:

SquirrelMail is alright, but it needs some tweaks to look good to a user. The default skin and Times font is really ugly. If takes a little bit of setup to make it pretty enough to pass as a modern webmail app.

Horde is horrible. It should be stamped out of existence. :smash:

I don't remember off-hand if SmarterMail has webmail in a free edition.

RoundCube and Atmail Open sadly don't run in Windows. (Oh well.)

Again, best of luck.