Need help to fix a PHP script


New member
I have a PHP script used to order advertising, there is a problem and it isn't sending all the information.
Could someone take a look and see where the problem is please?
I know as much about PHP as I do graphic design ;)

Too much to post here so I will have to either send the file or put the code up on another page.

Emailing the PHP file would be easiest if anyone could help.
Not that difficult code but I'm a novice PHP user (Not even novice coder)
You should put the code up as plaintext on an HTML page so we can have a look at it. I'm sure somebody will be able to help. Also, denoting any errors that you're having would be nice.
maxf, the only problem is that everything isn't being included, although it seems to be from the script.

Max, thanks but I have a good few mailer scripts, it's just that this one is having a problem not sending all info. All the info has to be sent as the paypal item description (Dynamically).

Thanks Gordy, could you PM me your email address please? Might be too much code for PM.

Hey :)
Didn't get it figured out but I am paying someone to code me a full automated script now for ordering advertising.

Thanks for asking though