Need help testing


New member

I'm testing a paypal ipn downloader, and since paypal won't allow me to pay myself, I need some help.

I've set up a test that costs 1 cent, and naturally, I'll refund your 1 cent, but I need someone to go through the process, send me the emails they receive, and generally tell me if the system is working as expected.


I think paypal lets you test IPN.
I know there was something I read that I found on the paypal site for developers using IPN to test their script without actually processing payments.

It's a bit late here, try have a look around the site and you should be able to find it, probably something like developer resources.
If you can't, I will have a look for it tomorrow.

If I can't find it then I will test it for you myself :)

Thank you


Thank you for the kind offer and info.

I found the Paypal testing "sandbox" Wow what a pain.

Anyway, I decided to just use until I work the kinks out of my little system, because I'm a lazy bastard.

No problem, I never used the sandbox before.
Was just looking at some things for a script I was doing, very very simple though for an order form processor.
Seems to be working good now anyway :)