Need Help Pricing Your Hosting Plans?


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Hostlegal (HL) is proud to now offer its Reseller Pricing Solution. Our reseller pricing solution is designed and built to give web hosting resellers a plain and simple view of results from different pricing scenarios. The template uses Microsoft Office Excel 2003© as a platform for an easy-to-use interface anybody can understand. Our pricing solution lets you use what-if scenarios to determine a pricing scheme that works best for you to ensure the highest profitability for your reseller web hosting company.

Our reseller Pricing Solution uses the following factors to calculate a profit per unit as well as a total possible profit if your space is sold out.

Reseller Account Information
Merchant Account Information (if applicable)
Percentage rate per transaction
Flat rate per transaction
Other Regular Expenses (Bank fees, Office Rent, Connectivity, etc.)
Hosting Package Information
Our reseller pricing solution offers a wide range of features detailed below:

Easy-to-Read and Use Interface

Our pricing solution includes several easy-to-read worksheets including a Reseller Cost Analysis, Regular Expense Report, Hosting Package Configuration Sheet, and a Profit Analysis Sheet. Every sheet was designed to display all the information you need in order to draft a wise pricing scheme while remaining easy-to-use and easy-to-read. The workbook does all the calculations for you, all you have to do is enter your expenses as well as information for your bulk reseller account, setup your end-user hosting packages and let Microsoft Excel do the rest.

Help Is "Just Around The Corner"!

With the comment function in Microsoft Excel help is always "just around the corner". Any place you see a red tick in the upper right hand corner of a cell as pictured is a tooltip. If there is anything you don't completely understand, all you have to do is hover your mouse pointer over the red tick to pull up a detailed explanation.

Dynamic Interface

Our pricing solution includes a dynamic interface that updates itself to your company's needs. Some web hosting companies may have four plans, yours might have eight. That's why we created a dynamic interface that lets you choose how many packages you wish to configure simply by entering the number of packages and features and hides the rest.

Convenient Features

We included several convenient features with the power of Visual Basic like the ability to select a pre-configured billing cycle from a list when you double-click the billing cycle cells.

Goal Seek & More...

Since our reseller pricing solution is built entirely in Microsoft Excel, our users have the power of robust what-if scenario tools provided in the Microsoft Office Suite. These tools include Goal Seek which allows you to set the profits you desire while manipulating your monthly price.

Price - just $25.99!

To order the Reseller Pricing Solution or to see screenshots, visit our website: and click on the "Reseller Pricing Solution".
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