Need Gameserver Sponsor - Please Read

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I'm the clanleader of an Counter-Strike clan. We have a big idea to do with our clan. We want to give the beginners, also know as noobs, a change to learn CS and we want to train them. We (the clanleaders, I'm one of them) are already playing CS for 2 years or more, so we have a lot of experience with the game. That's why we started the clan with the idea to train beginners and let them play wars, give them tips and learn them how to play CS better. Counterstrike is the most populair played multiplayer game in my eyes But, yes here it comes, to trian our clanbeginners, let them play wars etc.. we need a gameserver for CS. We are almost finished with our website, so I can't give you a preview yet! It's up in a couple of days, also whe're working on a good forum, where beginners can talk about CS and ask questions about CS.
But what I said, we need a server for training/wars and playing. So where are looking for someone who wants to sponsor us with 1 server. It is not a big server, 18 player server. For that we're looking for a sponsor, the hoster of our server will get ofcourse good links/texts to his/her site. Like an example, the servername can be: #clanname [Hosted by].
Also that will give you a good name, if our server is well know, and it will be a lot joined, very much people will see your name, they are going to visit your site, and take a look, that can provide you new customers/clients for your hosting/gaming company.
Also, on our site we place a top and footer banner, that means on every page of our site and ofcourse our forum. We have a very good site designer and scripter, so the site will be good looking and we put a lot of beginners/counter-strike stuff on our site, so there will be hopefully also a lot of visitors on our site.

I hope someone is interested in sponsoring us. We really need a sponsor to get our clan bigger and better. If you want to discuss something with me about the hosting, feel free to PM me or email me.

Contact information:


Vince, I think if you could provide basic info as to what is the expected storage space and bandwidth you're looking for - it will answer the two most important questions for host companies.

Good luck!
dynamohosting said:

this proves that you have no idea what hosting is.

He requested a gameserver, not web hosting.

Who u talking to dude?

And CS server needs atleast 2 to 3 gb storage and around 100 to 400 gb bw and uses around 200to 300 MB ram and cpu 20% hope this clears the needs of a CS server.
killerid said:
Who u talking to dude?
Who R U talking to?

This would be the last warning before we will take measures to prevent you from bringing old threads and spam-post in marketplace threads.

We rely on your further cooperation. Thank you.
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