Need a hosting

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New member
I live in Taiwan.
And almost my website visitors come from Taiwan Hong Kang ,and China.
So I hope can find a hosting that my visitors can connect to my website fast.

I need the hosting support
at least 3 MySQL database
100 MB space

p.s Good uptime and fast connect speed is very important to me.

sorry for my poor English..
Hi Henryi,

Our Gold Plan ($14.95 / month, no setup fees) at

with 150 MB of space would definitely satisfy your needs. We have incredibly fast connect times and an awesome uptime history (99.999%) !!

Every hosting plan includes all these features:

Apache suEXEC support
Mod_rewrite and other modules:
Ensim Control Panel (
24x7 FTP Access
24x7 SSH access (secure Telnet)
Unlimited Domains per account (separate domains!)
Unlimted domain pointers (aliases)
Unlimited subdomains
Unlimited Bandwidth
No setup fees
One hour setup or less
PHP 4.06
MySQL (with PHPMyAdmin 2.2.0, and unlimited databases!)
Perl 5.61
Your own CGI-Bin
Server Side Includes (SSI)
SSL (use our shared secure certificate)
Raw access logs
Webalize Log Analysis
Full directory .htaccess
POP3 email accounts
ChiliSoft ASP
crontab (ask us to set it up for you)
FrontPage Compatible
SMTP mail server
unlimited aliases
Majordomo List Server
daily backup
and a lot more.

We would love for you to join our hosting family. Thanks for considering us!

If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact me personally via email (, or via the Live Chat option on our home page if we are online.

Have a good day,

Ronnie T. Moore
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try us!

Free Domain Hosting
100 mb space
1 gb bandwidth/monthly
5 subdomains
Private CGI-BIN
PHP4 /Zend
Python 1.5.2
3 mySQL datebases
Unlimited POP email accounts
Unlimited Auto Responders
Unlimited Email Aliases
Unlimited Email Forwarding
Spam Filters
DNS Wildcards
Control Panel
Secure Server (SSL)
Server Side Includes (SSI)
Anonymous FTP server
Password Protected Directories
Customizable Error Pages
MS FrontPage® Extensions (98, 2000, 2002)
Weekly Site Backups
QMail support
SendMail support
99.9% uptime guaranteed
Fast oc-12 connectivity

alwaysweb said:
Hi Henryi,

Our Gold Plan ($14.95 / month, no setup fees) at

with 150 MB of space would definitely satisfy your needs. We have incredibly fast connect times and an awesome uptime history (99.999%) !!

Every hosting plan includes all these features:

Apache suEXEC support
Mod_rewrite and other modules:
Ensim Control Panel (
24x7 FTP Access
24x7 SSH access (secure Telnet)
Unlimited Domains per account (separate domains!)
Unlimted domain pointers (aliases)
Unlimited subdomains
Unlimited Bandwidth
No setup fees
One hour setup or less
PHP 4.06
MySQL (with PHPMyAdmin 2.2.0, and unlimited databases!)
Perl 5.61
Your own CGI-Bin
Server Side Includes (SSI)
SSL (use our shared secure certificate)
Raw access logs
Webalize Log Analysis
Full directory .htaccess
POP3 email accounts
ChiliSoft ASP
crontab (ask us to set it up for you)
FrontPage Compatible
SMTP mail server
unlimited aliases
Majordomo List Server
daily backup
and a lot more.

We would love for you to join our hosting family. Thanks for considering us!

If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact me personally via email (, or via the Live Chat option on our home page if we are online.

Have a good day,

Ronnie T. Moore

Unlimited Services
Unlimited is determined by a set of Internet averages. At, we divide available resources by the number of users on the system. At any time that you exceed our averages, you will be contacted to discuss moving your site to a dedicated server.

^^ Nuff said :judge:
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You can give me any explanation you want, unimited is NOT a good word in this business, especially for bandwidth!
there is no such thing :)

give me an account and i'll show you :)

i'll uploada 500mb file and have tons download it over and over a ton :)

can i have an account? pm me with login details if you will :)
Sorry, I would give you an account, but your not actually hosting a site with me, and after you've uploaded the tons of mb, I'll have to delete the account manually off my space, and that takes a while. Sorry :(
Web Hosting Plan I
Domains :10
Disk Space(MB) :1024 (1GB)
Email ids :100
Dataflow :Unlimited
MySQL Database :5
Annual Pricing :US $290
Quaterly Pricing :US $80

Linux Server Features : (USA based)
Linux Red Hat 7.1
Apache Web Server
FrontPage 2000 Extensions
MySQL Support
SSL Support
Web E-mail or Pop E-mail Accounts
CGI support For Each Domain
24/7 FTP Access For All Logins
Server Side Includes
ActiveState Perl 5
Log Files For Each Domain
Redundant OC3 Backbones
Clean UPS Power
Generator Backup System
Load Balanced Servers
Environmentally Controlled Building
10/100 Mbps LAN access to the Internet
Weekly Tape Backup of Data Files
Atleast 1GHz, Pentium III IBM Servers

Other Features :
24/7 Server Monitoring
OC3 Connectivity to Servers
Multiple FTP accounts.
Plesk Control Panel.

Domains registration @ US$ 8.50 only per year .com / .org. / net and US $10 per year for .biz / .info (through


Registeration of single domain name allowed directly !!!!
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