NameCheap, DynaDot and Tucows Banned in India


These Domain Registrars were banned in India because of not following the regulations, and also got reported that users from these registrars were involved in Streaming Asia Cup Cricket tournament as well.

I noticed NameCheap doesn't care about copyrights much; we have seen many users copying our blog articles, most of which are hosted with NameCheap only.

Do you think it was a good move by Indian Government?
If a registrar does not comply with the applicable regulations and, as you say, does nothing against copyright infringement, it could well be justified. Provided that the government did not immediately impose a ban and sought dialogue beforehand. Unfortunately, threats without consequences are useless.

What happened to the domains of Indian customers, do they all expire now or do the customers have the possibility to transfer the domains?
They are able to manage their domain names with VPNs and able to initiate transfer request to different registrars
Sounds cumbersome and probably also ensures double costs. Basically, the customer is the one who has to pay for it?