Name generators


New member
Has anyone every played with these? When we were setting up our hosting and design domains we ended up messing with these things for about a week off and on. Some of the things they come up with that are in no relation to what you type in still amaze me. We once were looking for a hosting name and it came back with monkeyhost, now who could answer the phone "Monkey Host can I help you" without busting up laughing? :uhh:
now who could answer the phone "Monkey Host can I help you" without busting up laughing

Yup that is true. I got a nice chuckle just from reading that!!!

I have messed with these a few times and while they never game the exact domain I wanted, they did help with ideas on new domain names. So I think they can be of some use for those like myself that are not the most creative person. :uhh:
I think that those tools can be used as tips or generator of ideas. they must be offering vocabulary only combinations.
I should spank you for bringing this up before I got the chance to, lol. I was playing with one over the weekend and was pleasantly surprised to be given 200 variations for any given keyword I typed it. It was really fun to play with but still didn't help me too much.
I could answer Monkey Host...after a couple weeks of practice. But after working food services I had to say stranger things for upselling.

That sounds like a great way to think up some different urls. Anyone care to share which one they use? Help out a floundering future domain purchaser.
I just ended up using google to find a good many, and this was year ago too. I like the idea of the creative side on it, and after having 4 people mind storm for such a long time we were up for just about anything. Monkey Host was one of my favorites, there was also something like wow host, I find that even more funny now since over 9 million people play that game and you know that domain is already gone. :D
Thanks for the information, shockym. I'm pretty sure I don't have a creative bone in my body so using a name generator would be a great idea for me.
Actually, Monkey Host sounds kind of fun and I bet people would never forget the name!