My Internet Explorer keeps opening the wrong site for some addresses


New member
Im having a problem with IE.
Its starting to become more common, or maybe its just that I have been using Ie a bit more.

I normally use firebird and i dont remember having the problem before.
For some websites, when I go to them, either by clicking a link or entering the address in the bar, it brings up my own hosting site.

Its not my home page or anything and I dont know why its going to that site.
For example, if I done a search on google and got the site I wanted, if I clicked that link it would take me to my hosting site...

Dont have any idea why this is happening so maybe someone can fill me in :)

Not sure what you mena.
Do you mean reinstall it?

it could be a virus but my virus scanner hasnt picked anything up.
It might also ahve to do with my local server.
I have PHP/MySQL/IIS etc. installed on my home computer for testing sites/scripts and the index page is the index of my hosting company
Hi John,

try clearing your cache, delete all files (including offline ones), clearing history and cookies (I know this is a pain).

If the problem persists, uninstall and re-install IE

This should resolve your issue..
Sounds like a scripted redirect - a windows registry hack - you got hit with something.

Get all the scanners from symantec
Yep done all that already Andrew but havent reinstalled IE yet.

I think its some kind of virus too Decker, I remember reading about something like this that was part of what a virus done.

Im using McAfee virus scanners on my computer and they havent picked anything up but I have had a few viruses that it didnt pick up before.

Why would the virus be changing it to the index page of my site though?
Dont see how a virus could do that, I dont have the address saved anywhere on my computer and cant think of anything else really.

THanks for the help so far!
PS. Welcome to the site Decker :)
If you have some time you could tell us a bit about yourself in the introductions forum.

:D Another one to try would be Adaware (free version is the Standard version) download - install - check for updates then let it run the SmartScan option.

Bet it picks up a 'Browser Hi-Jack Attempt'

Lot of these going around at the moment - quite a few attached to things like Outlook and IE 'feature' bars - you know the ones that add smilies to your e-mail & search from a box in a toolbar in IE.
Yeah I know those programs, never download any of the programs that add a search bar or the smilies etc.

I have PestPatrol and I think that does th esame thing as Adaware but it doesnt find anything for the browser, most things are just cookies but they are the normal things you would expect anyway
I get something weird in IE where if I right click very fast a few times, IE randomly opens up some website. It might be one I've been to, or one I have never seen before in my life (not in history or anything). The sites vary too. It's strange
You sure those arent links your clicking on a few times ;)

I suppose the only thing left to do is to reinstall, still busy here so will have to do it maybe in a few days, use mozilla firebird most of the time anyway so its not too important