Multiple Calls To Action


HD Moderator
Staff member
I wrote this some years back, but I think it still applies:

Multiple calls to action

Is just one call to action enough? Strategists reason by giving multiple calls to the same action, in different sections of your broadcast, you lend weight to the call. The first call to action may be intriguing, prompting your prospect to read further (benefits/solutions), followed by second call to action that puts them over the top – they’re convinced. If you change up the wording or offer different solutions in multiple calls to action, you risk confusing your viewers.​

Your thoughts?
If my university-day memory serves me right, we covered in marketing classes that it on average takes 11 exposures to your company name (does it validate as a call to action?) to build up some level of brand awareness.

In other words, someone needs to see your advertising on average 11 times to start developing a link to your company in their mind.
When I was in school many moons ago, it was "7 touches" in business. A person had to see or hear your name 7 times in order for it to register as a potential place to do business with.

As far as calls to action - yes, multiple are needed. One at the top, one in the middle, one at the end. A few more in the middle if it's really long content, but a simple "we do that, contact me here" is effective many times.