Multigaming Org needs Hosting etc

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My name is Brian and I'm a co-founder of Miracle Gaming.
As the team was made just for fun, due our long memberships the team started to play active! We attended on few LAN tournaments such as Logitech LAN, codHR#1, codHR#2 and Jarun lake tournament in Macao club! The team is preparing to go on one of the biggest LAN tournaments in Europe so far as known as codHR#3. The prizes are wonderful.
The team also started to play ESL Croatian league last year and we get the very high 6th place since there were the best Croatian teams in it! Also the team sign up for EU ESL League and trying to do best of our selves! There's also a ClanBase league the team signed up for it to get to the top EU teams and ranks as far as we are playing it we get our results very well.

So here is what we are trying to get from someone who would like to become our sponsor!

Webhosting for a team, and probably domain .com/net/org if you can
16 slot ventrilo or a TeamSpeak Client
12 slot private CoD4 and/or CoD2 Server to play more matches per a day.

What do you get from us!

A full promotions on
Website -> Including, Banners, your logotype on partner area!
Tag names

Thank you for understanding!

Brian M.
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