
New member
I need some help with MRTG. I'm not entirly sure how to set it up. I have no idea what it is meaning by community. Someone please help me. :gun: MRTG :smash:
I don't think MTRG is control panel specific. It should monitor traffic in / out and other services also.
install mrtg, it isnt control panel specific, you can use mrtg to monitor bandwith usage at the router level and if wanted you can create graphs ofthe data using php.
I know how to install it. What i was after was the mrtg.cfg file. How to configure it. However, I have already figured it all out via trail and error. After a few hours, I got it complete fixed and works like a charm. :cool:
If I am not mistaken, you can use this to see what each client has used in means of bandwidth for a shell company.
GordyMac said:
If I am not mistaken, you can use this to see what each client has used in means of bandwidth for a shell company.

Well it will either monitor the interface card (therefore total server bandwidth) or an IP (or multiple IP's).

So each client would need their own IP address if you planned to use MRTG for per user bandwidth monitoring.