Most secure control panel

Well, I really don't care much for cPanel, as all the bugs and security holes. But I would think DirectAdmin is pretty secure, since it's far more stable.

Also, the control panel is as secure as the person managing the server. Meaning, just because a person has a secure CP, it's still is up to the Admin. :)
gooooogle said:
I did not know that there were a lot of security holes in cPanel.

Well, the last one was that user request his password via email, someone could use that to reboot the server and stuff.

There aren't a lot, but the fact is it's kinda buggy, which make me wonder what else it wrong.
What I hear is Ensim is the most secure. I have not played with the new 4.0 yet but looking at it there are security settings the admin/reseller can set when creating a new domain.
I have also heard that Ensim is the most secure.
I don't think they release as many security hole fixes as cPanel anyway ;)

I have also heard Plesk was secure, like TheLinuxGuy said. Anyone know about H-Sphere? It doesn't look too bad in regards to security issues
in what way is it the most secure?
What exactly could happen if a host used an insecure control panel?
Could the sites on the server be hacked?
I'm not sure myself but I have heard that cPanel is NOT one of the most secure.. but I don't know anything about this myself..

I've heard alot of possitive things about Ensim Pro though.