More on Blog Spam


HD Moderator
Staff member
Apparently, my blog has attracted a huge Russian following with some thoughtful comments, but moreso with comments like these. I have my doubts about the accuracy of the translation. The link is here.

Вот что-то подобное у меня уже неделю из головы не выходит!
Here something similar at me a week from a head does not leave!

очень занимательно было почитать
It was very entertaining to esteem

Лучшая инфа которую я прочел за последние несколько дней. Очень актуально. Спасибо
The best инфа which I прочел for the last some days. Very actually. Thanks

подкупила искренность поста
Has bribed sincerity of a post

Вера в успех - это движущая сила и грех ей не воспользоваться для своих личных целей.
The belief in success is a motive power and a sin to it to not take advantage for the personal purposes.

Вы правы, в этом что-то есть. Благодарю за информацию, может, я тоже могу Вам чем-то помочь?
You are right, in it something is. I thank for the information, can, I too can something help you?

Ты как обычно радуешь нас своими лучшими фразами спасибо, беру!
You as usually please us with the best phrases of thanks, I take!

И правда креатив…супер!
And the truth a creative … супер!

мило ждем еще…
Lovely we wait ещеЕ

подробнее, плиз. Что за ошибка?
More in detail, плиз. What for a mistake?

пытаемся читать между строк..
We try to read between lines..

В этом что-то есть и я думаю, что это хорошая идея.
In it something is also I think, that it is good idea.

Я бы сказала о монументальности, грандиозности некоторых сюжетов. А назвала бы - “нефильтрованный реал”. На мой взгляд, красота - это все-таки другое: лучшее, чистое, избранное, заставляющее трепетать и поражаться. Можно найти красоту во всем, но всё скопом - не есть красота. Имхо.
I would tell about monumentalism, grandness of some plots. And would name - “ not filtered real ”. In my opinion, the beauty is all the same another: the best, pure, selected, forcing to tremble and be amazed. It is possible to find beauty in everything, but all in a crowd - not is beauty. Имхо.

Довольно забавная статья, скажу чесно - удивил. Если не секрет откуда вообще блоггеры черпают материалы для статей? Я понимаю что написаны они собственноручно, но ведь “сюжет” нада найти где-то.
Amusing enough clause, I shall tell чесно - has surprised. If not the secret whence in general блоггеры is scooped with materials for clauses? I understand that they are written with own hand, but in fact "plot" нада to find somewhere.

Очень интересно.
Very interestingly.

Искренне благодарен.
It is sincerely grateful.

Спасибо огромное!
Thanks huge!
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And I thought you learned to speak Russian...

I would have translated this for you as there are many inaccuracies if I had more hours in a day, but OVERALL, it was pretty OK. The spam looks to me the same as in any other language - same lame attempts to hope that comments (most likely with linkbacks) will be left alone. The comments are too general and carry no additional informational weight at all.
Yeah, they just hope you look past them and accept them. But, spam has been around for so long and the intensity of it is so huge that it is easy to spot spam when you see it. Some people don't realize this when they spam in attempt to get some backlinks.
And I thought you learned to speak Russian...

I would have translated this for you as there are many inaccuracies if I had more hours in a day, but OVERALL, it was pretty OK. The spam looks to me the same as in any other language - same lame attempts to hope that comments (most likely with linkbacks) will be left alone. The comments are too general and carry no additional informational weight at all.

Exactly, its just generic comments written up in advance with no particular website in mind, that won't contradict a single thing, and won't really look out of place anywhere. The fact that they don't make sense or contribute to the site means nothing to these people.
Very true Abbie. It doesn't phase them that their comments 90% of the time do not match the blog post, site comment, or what ever it is their commenting too.
And I thought you learned to speak Russian...

I would have translated this for you as there are many inaccuracies if I had more hours in a day, but OVERALL, it was pretty OK. The spam looks to me the same as in any other language - same lame attempts to hope that comments (most likely with linkbacks) will be left alone. The comments are too general and carry no additional informational weight at all.
Actually, I did take Russian language training in Pensacola (1973), but not to be a linguist. That was a long long time ago. LOL. I moderate every comment, so no spam gets through.
I moderate every comment, so no spam gets through.

That seems like the best bet now a days. I am sometimes shocked at the level of spam we get every now and then. There are quiet times and then its just non-stop for a couple of hours, bots trying to come in and post. I love the most when they spam hosting stuff, that is always a quick ban if the human spammers get in. Mod Q all the way.
I hope you are using wordpress, spamfree, akismet, register plus and forcing users to register before commenting has really worked to reduce my spam. Also, make sure to keep your wordpress versions up to date as they use bugs to inject their spam at times.
Funny! the spammers seems get attracted through localizations. They find your site easily in their local search engine. :)
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