Mobile Skin


HD Addicted
Hi, I would like to make a small suggestion to the forum.

I love to come on HD but sometimes its just inoying that when I come on with my mobile web browser its hard for me to post new threads and replys to threads because I need to log in and log in and log in like keep trying intill it keeps me loged in and allowes me to post. Now could maybe HD get a mobile skin that's easy to use I also think this will bring more members onto the site and activness because most people wen they have free time on there hands and aren't near there computer they can easly come on with the mobile phone.
I am so sorry I didn't notice your post earlier!

Thank you for the suggestion. In fact, I have been thinking of designing something for mobile users (perhaps an iPhone/Palm Pre kind of interface), even though I have no idea how to even start - I don't know anything who specializes in this kind of development.

Could you tell me though which mobile device you are using and why you are having the issue with logging in (I am not a techie but just curious why you are having an issue with logging in). Should it work the same on a small browser as on a big one?
I know how to make a vbulletin mobile skin its pretty easy, If you want I'll love to make HD one for free and send you over the files.

I used to use a Sidekick LX but now use basically my IPhone its not any issues really but sometimes it can become a pain when waiting for the page to download it takes really long. I also thought about this for other members, Most themes that vbulletin have signs you out ever other min when on the site with a mobile device.