Mobile HD


New member
Hi guys, the forum has a mobile version? If it does can someone pls post the link.

If not can we have a mobile veraion of the forum?

Thank you for your answers.
As mentioned in one of the few discussions about this subject, we have made few attempts last year as well earlier this year to develop a mobile skin, but we kept on running into issues with existing solutions available with the particular version of the vBulletin we are running.

I will be looking into this again come 2012.
Honestly speaking I never really liked mobile versions. Most of the useful features aren't available in these toned down version of a site...
I am 100% with you on that one. I've never been a fan of mobile sites for forums specifically. For publisher-centric content-rich sites it might be a better idea, but for a user-generated discussion forum - how much typing can you really do on your little device?

We have a mobile skin for forum, which I've been on perhaps just twice this year.
My fingers are very too fat to use for mobile forum posting - I'm constantly correcting every other word I type. LOL
I would love a mobile skin, or even app for HD. I use my phone all the time when I am not home and it would help.