Minute of everyone's time


Well-known member
I would like everyone to take an minute to remember the 22 people that lost their lives at a terrorist attack last night at an Ariana Grande concert last night in Manchester UK.

Another tragic event. Thoughts and prayers are with the victims, their families and friends.

What amazes me is how used one can get to these. I was growing up in Moscow, during very turbulent times of two wars with Chechnya and it seemed like there was a terrorist attack on a weekly/bi-weekly basis all over the country: public transit, multiple apartment buildings, schools, airports, theaters, train stations and other popular venues, all over the country. Thankfully, that is gone for the most part now that the Chechen republic is governed by a strong and dedicated loyal to Russia leader. But I remember the days like they were yesterday, almost every single one of them.

What the United States and its allies started in the Middle East was just a matter of time until it started to hit close to home. The number and frequency of events in Germany, France, U.K., United States in just the last 3 years can attest to that. It saddens me to a great degree to know that humans can't learn to live and respect each other's way of living. Ego and maniac desire to control is to blame for all the lives lost all over the place. Unfortunately, the people in the United States and Europe have no other option but to learn to live in the new realm for as long as their foreign policy is unchanged, just like the people of Russian had to. You just can't expect otherwise.
It is terrible to hear these news especially when those hurt are mostly young adults, teens or kids :(. This kind of actions should not be tolerated at all