Message from Godaddy fraud dept


New member
I registered a domain name from using my friend's card. Later after 8 hours I got a message that my account may get cancelled within 48 hours along with all purchases if I didnt validate my purchase process. They want me to send the a scanned copy of my friend's driving license or passport. I can send that and that is not a problem. This is a good effort, but why don't they notify this issue when I was using my friend's card for purchasing? By checking the difference in the name of registrant and the name of card holder, they can atleast give a warning message about this issue during payment. Now I have to bug my friend to send me this copy within today. This is not a good business strategy.
This is probably becuase their fruad system or people who check do not check the account till after a few hours have passed.
Call them first, GoDaddy has check in place on the system that pick up certain thigns with a registration and if it detects a problem it then goes to a human to check up on it and then action would be taken.

Call them up, see what the problem is. It might be due to you using a differnt cc on your account.
Don't blame goDaddy, this is your mistake! you should not use others card for purchasing stuff from your account, this can lead you in trouble. :uhh:
This is probably just their fraud system kicking in - chaulk it up to Steve's Law - if it can go smooth, it won't.
This has happened to me already, don't let it frighten you. I made a mistake when purchasing some domains by entering my information alongside my sister's credit card. I got the same message as you did. I just changed my info to her's and everything was OK. I also send scanned copy of her passport just to make sure everything was OK.