Merchant accounts?


New member
Who did you get your merchant accounts with? What gateway do you use? Would you recommend it to someone starting with low funds? :)
Currently Royal Bank of Scotalnd through Worldpay
Yes I'd recommed it as an overall solution (we're also a partner and do setups/payment pages for customers) as a starting solution, although we're looking to separate out merchant a/c and processor to negotiate better fees now.
Artashes: Yes I've just been looking at paysystems. I like that I don't have to pay the monthly fees that are normally associated with merchant account. So when I start out and i'm not getting any sales it would be good and as the site grows if getting a regular merchant account is a better option, then that can always be done.

I wanted to offer another alternative besides Paypal but didnt want to use 2checkout because that also seemed a little expensive.
We use WorldPay for the moment but have just acquired our merchant account (HSBC) to use in conjunction with Protx, just in the testing phase now.
Artashes, PaySystems is not a merchant account. They are simply a lowly 3rd Party merchant account unfortunately. ;)

WorldPay is not a true merchant account either, unfortunately, however are closer to one than PaySystems or 2CheckOut. However, according to lots, one of the best 3rd Party merchant accounts out there - and I think it is since it is backed by The Royal Bank of Scotland; and you can never go wrong with a bank. ;)

If you are in Europe, you'll find it hard to find a true Merchant Account since there are not that many in Europe - it's best to go to your bank for that sort of information. Although, however in America there are lots of good ones - one being, also try ModernAuthorize and even CDGCommerce is quite good.

However, you may simply want to go with WorldPay - They are very good according to lots of people. Also, for the United Kingdom you may want to contact, they are backed by NatWest and are like WorldPay - and have VERY good fees. 3% and £0.10, and personally I couldn't find better elsewhere and I'm sure you'll be hard pressed to find better for the United Kingdom as well.

Hope this helps. :)
I believe in the context of the thread starter's question Artashes gave the proper response.

Be it a third party entity or not, PaySystems is the equivalent of a merchant account.
Be it a third party entity or not, PaySystems is the equivalent of a merchant account.

Blue, obviously you're very knowledgeable in the hosting business, however I can only presume you never studied accounting, finance, or anything to that relation at all - as if you had, you'd certainly know that there is a difference between a true merchant account and a 3rd Party and also that one should never mix the two.

I believe in the context of the thread starter's question Artashes gave the proper response.

It is true that many web hosts still do not use true merchant accounts and that near to all start up web hosts use 3rd Party Merchants. I presume that EvilHaider did not realise there was a difference, however, technically what he did mean was 3rd Party but he did say merchant account which is taken as a true merchant account 99% of the time - and I'm sure you can understand as to why my first post. ;)

There is an inherent difference between spamming and acknowledging when an individual (in this case, "Blue") makes a positive comment about PaySystems.

Hello James,

Firstly, my post was an extremely subtle joke referring to other activities by PaySystems.

Secondly, your post did in no way aid the topic starter - and all you did say was "You're my boy, Blue!", which I personally think was not needed and secondly could be classed as spam.
However, I think we should stop this small quarrel, as not only is it going against the main theme of the topic, I'm sure you'd also agree that it would be fruitless to continue this.
Artashes answer was a correct one. I never suggested that there was no difference between a third party and a true merchant account. I said that within the context of the question they were equivalent.

Maybe WHT people consider paypal to be spammers, and let them suggest whatever they want about them but unless they have some evidence I would suggest it is just idle talk.
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Anjay said:
Artashes, PaySystems is not a merchant account. They are simply a lowly 3rd Party merchant account unfortunately. ;)
They still are a merchant account processing gateway, be it an original or a 3-rd party one.

Either way, I was answering the question.
