New member
Hi everyone,
Horizon Hosting is currently recruiting advertisers, specifically blog and forum posters. Here follows more information of interest:
How much do I get paid?
-- Forums
$0.50 per topic reply, recommending us.
$1 per review.
$2 per offers topic, more specifically, listing packages and how to order in your own topic.
-- Blogs
$2 per blog post on your own, or a blog you're a publisher on.
$0.50 per blog comment, recommending us.
How do I get paid?
We will pay you via Paypal.
I'm interested, how do I apply for this?
Alright, we have made this really easy for you. You can apply by following 3 steps:
1. Register an account on our website
>> http://myhorizonhosting.com/register.php
2. Create a ticket at our Billing department
>> http://myhorizonhosting.com/submitticket.php?step=2&deptid=2
3. Tell us what forums you have your marketing eye on, and let us know that you would like to be a advertiser. Let us know what your Paypal email is too though!
How do I earn once I'm accepted?
Alright, this is pretty straight forward. You will create a sensible post, please don't post things like: "choose horizon hosting they are good" - we can help you with examples in your ticket.
Once you have posted, you need to let us know in a ticket, you can use the same ticket, and post the URL, we will then review it and let you know when we've accepted it. Your earnings will be credited to your account.
You can talk to our live support if we're available: www.horizon-hosting.com
We look forward to working with you
Horizon Hosting is currently recruiting advertisers, specifically blog and forum posters. Here follows more information of interest:
How much do I get paid?
-- Forums
$0.50 per topic reply, recommending us.
$1 per review.
$2 per offers topic, more specifically, listing packages and how to order in your own topic.
-- Blogs
$2 per blog post on your own, or a blog you're a publisher on.
$0.50 per blog comment, recommending us.
How do I get paid?
We will pay you via Paypal.
I'm interested, how do I apply for this?
Alright, we have made this really easy for you. You can apply by following 3 steps:
1. Register an account on our website
>> http://myhorizonhosting.com/register.php
2. Create a ticket at our Billing department
>> http://myhorizonhosting.com/submitticket.php?step=2&deptid=2
3. Tell us what forums you have your marketing eye on, and let us know that you would like to be a advertiser. Let us know what your Paypal email is too though!
How do I earn once I'm accepted?
Alright, this is pretty straight forward. You will create a sensible post, please don't post things like: "choose horizon hosting they are good" - we can help you with examples in your ticket.
Once you have posted, you need to let us know in a ticket, you can use the same ticket, and post the URL, we will then review it and let you know when we've accepted it. Your earnings will be credited to your account.

You can talk to our live support if we're available: www.horizon-hosting.com
We look forward to working with you