Managed or unmanaged?


New member
Do you have a managed or unmanaged server?
If you have unmanaged, did you get it because of cost reasons, because you can already manage a server or so you can get some experience?
If you got managed do you think the cost is right or do you think it would be better to learn to manage a server and do it yourself?
Do you get it managed by the datacentre or hire someone yourself to do it?
I personally would deffinatly need managed servers, I have no idea what to do or how to do it. For the company I work with, we have someone to secure our servers which is a friend of ours.
We have several servers colocated in different data centers and they are all maintained by our in house technical support team. But if I was to start this all by myself then I would go with a managed server :)
FastNetServers said:
We have several servers colocated in different data centers and they are all maintained by our in house technical support team. But if I was to start this all by myself then I would go with a managed server :)

Welcome back FastServers :D
We have our servers semi-managed by the DC. The rest we provide ourselves or outsource work to psoft as needed.

We are thinking about increasing to fully managed, just to save us the time.

Trying to decide right now if the extra money is worth it...

<< Do you have a managed or unmanaged server? If you have unmanaged, did you get it because of cost reasons, because you can already manage a server or so you can get some experience? If you got managed do you think the cost is right or do you think it would be better to learn to manage a server and do it yourself? Do you get it managed by the datacentre or hire someone yourself to do it? >>

All servers for my company are un-managed. The reason being, management differs from one company to another. With Nocster it's this, this and this while with DedicatedNow it's this and this but not that while with ServerMatrix it's this, that but not this.
However, all servers are managed by an in-house management team.

Although, if I were to start again, with no employees, no in-house management team, I'd probably go with ServerMatrix and their Titanium management package.