Steve-Hostirian - I know right, I am so in love with it. What an awesome Vday gift.
Artashes - tech. we did get it on the day before Superbowl but we only caught a little of the game, we decided to watch a movie instead and peek in here/there for the game, I did watch the kickoff though.
Blue - we are not sports folk here, movies mostly and gaming. And
we plan to get a nice thick curtain for the LR, along with doing up the DR (next room over) and the door piece for the kitchen (such a pain).
HostLeet - sorry?
csn-uk - 103 would make me flip, I doubt we are getting that anytime soon.
I think I missed one in here too, oops, crazy day, but who has crappy neighbors, I would beat them. With the so-so system we have right now, when I kick it up to anytime over level 20, those across the street can hear what I am hearing, clear too.
As long as its within limits (day light hours, holiday, weekend, etc.) I am good, but most times I am a nice neighbor, most times.