Looking for work tech support/customer service


New member
Looking For: Remote Work
Job: Tech Support/Customer Service
Pay: $8-$10 an hour (Full time 40 hrs/week)

**I am not interested in a commission based sales job**

I'm looking for a Tech support/customer service position with an established hosting company. I have approx. 2 years exp working in the hosting industry in many different roles ranging from basic support to customer service manager. I'm looking to be part of a team for a company that values communication and great customer service. I'm available to work Mon. - Fri. between the hours of 8am and midnight EST (-5 GMT) as well as weekends if needed.

I am a very dedicated employee, 2 years working for the same host.

I have experience with:
Ensim (very limited)
Modernbill (use, install, set up, integration of esupport)
WHMAutopilot (install, setup, use)
esupport (use, install setup, upgrade)
PHPLive (use, install, admin, setup, upgrade)
Abuse issues (SPAM, copyright infringement etc.)
Virtual hosting
Reseller hosting
Some dedicated server support (minor, I am NOT a Linux Admin)
Minor Linux knowledge (would like to learn more)
script installation (phpnuke, coppermine, etc.)
Support Forum Admin
Vbulletin(applying mods/hacks)
Phpbb(applying mods/hacks)
Invision(applying mods/hacks)

I also have support/customer service exp previous to working in the hosting including customer service for Microsoft, tech support for Compaq, support and support team management for several ISP's

I would consider working for multiple hosts (for a smaller pay rate) but would prefer working for one company that I can devote my time and full attention to.

I can be contacted via e-mail at techguymh(at)gmail.com, AIM @ tecguymh, Yahoo @ techguymh. Resume can also be sent upon request.