Looking for Tech Support Job


New member
Hello HD Members,

I am a 24 year old network techie, I usually do game server stuff but recently i have been out of game server jobs so i am deciding to take a look around for a support tech job for a companie.

Here is what I can offer:

- Network Design & Setup
- Debian, Redhat (all), Fedora
- Microsoft Windows 2000-2003 Server(s)
- FreeBSD & OpenBSD (personal favorite)
- Cpanel, Ensim, Direct Admin, and Webmin
- Network Monitoring
- File System Integrity Checking
- French and English languages

Support Technician
- Support via Trouble Ticket
- Support via Instant Messenger
- Support via Email
- Support via LiveHelp

Amateur PHP Programming
- I work well individually on minor projects
- Team-oriented for bigger projects under a Project Leader

I am amiable to be paid through these methods:
- Check
- Paypal

I am also amicable to being paid by:
- Hourly Wage
- Per Ticket Basis
- Per Email Basis
- Project Milestone
- Set Consultation Fee
- Set Salary

I can work the following hours:
4-5 hours each day 6 days a week (mon-sat)

I hope to find a willing company or individual that can utilize my skills efficiently and in a professional manner.

Please email me at crymen[at]eastlink.ca or msn/aim (msn: cele_php@hotmail.com/aim:cele82) for inquiry. I will respond promptly and we can then establish another means of communication if you wish.

I assume he read "east" link and that's why he asked what part of "Eastern" Canada you are from.
Eastlink covers more than just NS.