Looking for sponsor (or reduced price)


New member
i am posting this for a friend who is looking for Server Sponsor (either high end VPS or dedicated server). Im helping spearhead a project similar to GameSpy Arcade called Game World Arcade. Domain is already registered and we would be willing to run host ads on site. We already have ~20000 users awaiting the launch (according to the owner). We need around 20 GB diskspace and around 1000GB bandwidth and root access for the applications needed to run the arcade.

We could also negotiate a deal. PM me for my contact info :)


EDIT: Sry i didnt realize i posted in wrong forum, could a mod plz move it, thanks!
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Actually, I think you should make him an offer. He stated what he needs. Tell him what you want in exchange for it.
MOD NOTE: Post deleted, offer not matched. Limited test drives followed by paid hosting doesn't fall into a "sponsored hosting" category. Please consult the Hosting Request Rules before responding. We rely on your further cooperation.