Looking for a lowend server


I have a friend that is looking for a low end box to run his companies web site and downloads on

Approx 800mhz +
6-10GB Hard Drive
256MB memory +
Webmin or other cheap panel

Probably looking to get this in the next few weeks. Let me know and I will pass on the info.

CPU: Intel Celeron™ 1.7GHZ
Memory: 256MB DDR RAM
Hard Drive: 30GB IDE
Bandwidth: 100GB/MONTH
IP Addresses: 5

Add CPANEL/WebHostManager: $19.95/MONTH
Add Direct Admin: $9.95/MONTH

You can email presales @ x-gravity.net if you are interested.
That really is a little for a server, wouldn't a virtual server do (a shared server but with root access), either that or just buy a basic box and colo.