Local TV Advertising


New member
Have you ever taken your business to the point that it was worthy of TV advertising? I see the local TV company making a push to sell ad space to smaller companies now, saying it's a cost effective way to push your product, but still seems to me that it would be rather expensive.
Hi AbbieRose,
I certainly agree with your points but Local TV Advertising is a really effective way to get good result in short time for our business.

I think that the main thing neede to be undertood. Firts of all audience and price.
I think that it might be expensive and you will not cover much audience with local TV.
I think that the main thing neede to be undertood. Firts of all audience and price.
I think that it might be expensive and you will not cover much audience with local TV.

Local TV would be cheaper though then national TV. TV advertising must work well as it's been around ever since I watched TV for the first time in the 70's when I was born :) I would recommend hiring professionals to arrange it all though as there must be millions of ways to get it all wrong and waste money.
I agree that professionals to work on it are a must because some of the things I have recently seen have made me laugh. Totally camp.

I think that the biggest score for TV ads would be a web business that has a big local side to it as well.
I could see a TV ad being useful. With people watching TV while being online if you can draw them in they can now immediately visit your site instead of trying to remember it for later. I know I tend to visit alot of the local sites I see advertised on the local news shows if they offer a service/goods I would purchase at some point. You do need to be careful about going about it. Cheap powerpoint or overly fake ads drive people crazy and could turn them off instead of on.
Local T.V. is a good way to start off. Just make sure you notice the prices and the audience your broadcasting it to. Make sure you have a good, noticeable AD that's easy to read and listen to. You could take a look at Godaddy commercial and that might give you a few ideas. Have fun, and good luck.
Local advertising can be good, since it raises visibility for your business - but you may want to state why you're better than some larger company whose offices may be located elsewhere. Do you have a local support number, for example; or do you ever do client seminars?

Local businesses seem to have a tradition of being slightly quirky, mildly campy, or both. You don't want to look like an advert that should run on late night television, but you do want some polish. Let the quirky or campy be an element you control, instead of something that's there because your ad isn't put together professionally.

With *any* advertising, you need to start out with a goal and a budget. There's the numbers the advertiser sellers will give you - which may or may not be inflated, skewed, or totally meaningless - and then there's what you want to achieve. Think about how much you're paying versus how many clients you want to bring in with this form of advertising. Evaluate its performance periodically, and if you're not reaching your goals, don't be pressured into buying more advertising or even into changing your package. If they try to sell you anything, ask that they send you the offer terms in writing, and that you'll get back to them. That gives you time to think, gives you some research material if they do send you anything, and keeps you from spending money that you may not want to spend...or may not want to spend in that particular fashion. (I recently relocated, registered my business in this state, and had to argue with a company trying to sell me search engine placement services for $250 a quarter. But I've been doing this for six years, I said. Believe me, I'm already *in* the search engines, I've been there for years, and I did it without any black-hat tactics or submission spamming...and without paying a third party. Poor phone salesperson just started reading their script again. It was -=almost=- amusing.)
The post above pretty much just hit the nail right on its head. Local T.V. advertising is rare until Godaddy started doing it. Then other major companies want to try and get up in the T.V. advertisement. But it's still kind of rare these days. It might be better to just get a big ad on the local newspaper or something.
Youtube is an ok thought but honestly the only things that seem to get put up there are seriously campy and just look so hammed that I can only laugh at them. Sometimes that can be a good thing with an ad-as Lesli said, if you are in control-because there are some ads that have been so very bad that I couldn't forget them even if I tried. Ultimately you want an ad people remember, but I'd rather not be associated with something so terrible as it would also likely reflect on your service.
Local TV.... That is very small audience and expensive. If you have online business PPC might be good way for you
It depends on your target audience or your target customers.

It will be depends on the business nature that you are building.

TV ads are very good at targeting local customers. Very effective at persuade customers too.
I have never tried Local TV ads, but I have printed and hung up flyers and given out business cards. I have also listed my business on my local trading post that is on our local radio station website. This does seem to be a very low cost way to get my business and the service I offer "out there" to the public eye.
If you have someone make an ad for you for broadcast locally, what is stopping you from then using it on YouTube as well? You own the rights, don't you, so you could theoretically do what you wanted with it.

It seems to me that the benefits of it could be further reaching than solely local.